International Faith in Action Jamaica


Welcome to International Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries Incorporated.Under the leadership Founder and Chief Overseer .Dr.Violet Wallace.We are indeed honored and privileged that you’ve decided to take the timeout to visit and explore our site, and we are sincerely appreciative of this awesome opportunity to share our Faith with you. Our ministries is one that believes in the significance of not only being hearers of the Word of God; but also doers of His work, and as such, our Chief Founder Apostle.Dr.V.Wallace, and Pastors instilled in us the commitment of serving, to serve and minister throughout the communities,at large to compel lost souls to God and to help believers and non-beleivers in the character of true developement , and a sense of true intimacy with Christ. Whether it be globally or locally, our growing national and international affiliations are bound and ordained in carrying out the will and purposes of God.
FIADM (Faith In Action Deliverance Ministries headquarter ), was birthed out of a dedicated weekly meeting, called Monday Night Healing and Deliverance Prayer Meetings and as it has quickly matured fully grown,then after( 3 )three years old she has produced ; gave birth to her firstborn on May 30,2004 named International Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries Incorporated,Place of birth 80 Young Street Spanish Town St.Catherine Jamaica. Having a true relationship with God and knowing Him for real, along with much Prayer Fasting and supplication, it has continued to be our true foundation since even today,in manifesting evidenced by the healing and delivering power of the Almighty God, manifested in and through the manifestation of the holyspirit each time the saints begin to pray fervently and earnestly. As we are one of the Branches from the Vine .We believe in the Holy Bible to be the true Word of God; a distinct guide, and a blueprint for our lifestyle and not just lifestyle ,but daily living and walking in and by the Spirit of God , established upon the Agape love that the Father has for us. This kind of love is demonstrated as it echoes through our weekly services, also social media and on the air, as well as the various programs and events featured within the hearts of every believer here at IFIADMI. So, on behalf of our Cheif Founder Apostle Dr.Violet Wallace, Snr. Pastors.Pastor Stephen Harper,and Pastor Rose Harper Co-Pastor Howard Fox other Leaders, Ministers, Evangelist , Deacon ,and Members, we salute you with our warm and breath taking Welcome.As we are one of the many branches TOUCHING THE WORLD BY FAITH in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

International Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries Jamaica

Motto:The Place where everybody is Somebody. As we plunder hell and populate Heaven. We love you,God bless you all