Dr. Apostle Violet Wallace, minister of the gospel, author, and counselor, is known for her radical faith and approach as she adheres to the motto, “touching the world by faith”. Dr. Wallace is the CEO & Founder of Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries since 2001. She studied at the Manhattan Theological Seminary of New York and Trinity Theological Seminary. Her utmost desire is to see the church, and the world experience the supernatural power of God. Dr. Wallace is called to prepare God’s people for heaven. She operates under the Five Fold Ministry gifts and is a spiritual leader and overseer to other new and established ministries. Having had a near death experience, she has discovered first-hand the resurrection power of God, and that through fasting and prayer believers are truly empowered to conquer. Through her mentorship program (“Mentor Mommy”) she has united estranged families and friends.
Dr. Wallace is called to the oppressed, the downtrodden and the seemingly hopeless; as she travels to the nation, spreading the gospel and allowing God to use her prophetically. She is fueled by a passion to fulfill God’s mandate for these end times. Her thrust on character building, merging spirituality with everyday living, provoke people to pursue a life of integrity. Wherever she goes, Dr. Wallace exhorts and encourages her listeners to deepen their intimacy with God and arise to their divine calling and destiny. Dr. Apostle Violet Wallace asks, “Is there anything too hard for God?” Under the auspices of the Holy Spirit, with her unwavering faith and the total obedience to the voice of God, she availed herself as a vessel of honor, to liberate and deliver those that were bound or sick in both mind and/or body. By faith she believes that Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, and any other disease can be eradicated by the healing power of God.
Known for her uniqueness and radical approach to the call of God, and the anointing on her life, her ministry has been graced with renowned spiritual leaders such as Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop George Bloomer, Prophet Manasseh Jordon, Dr. Cindy Trimm, Bishop Liston Page Jr., Pastor Jamal Bryant, Pastor Orin & Medina Pullins, the late Pastor Zachary Tims and others. She has also made appearances on TBN and had a featured segment the WORD Network. She is indeed a Jeremiah of the Old Testament and a John of the new.
- Author of “Gethsemane Hour”
- Author of “Knowing God for Real”

Dr. Violet Wallace
Visionary and Chief Overseer
Faith In Action Deliverance Ministries Inc.